Our Services

Sedation (Gas Sedation and Oral Sedation)

While the use of a local anesthetic to prevent pain is sufficient for many dental patients, sedation may be appropriate to ensure the safe, efficient, and complete delivery of dental procedures.
Sedation, (nitrous oxide or “laughing gas”) and oral sedation is the easiest and safest way to relax patients and may be recommended for patients who have a fear of dentists and dental offices.
Dentists are trained for minimal sedation but those offering moderate sedation must have the appropriate qualifications and be registered with the Manitoba Dental Association in the province of Manitoba.
To be sure if your dentist and dental office can provide sedation, you can ask your dentist their qualifications before treatment or contact the Manitoba Dental Association to confirm their capability.
At Ariu Dental Centre we provide nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) sedation as well as oral sedation services to help our patients reduce their anxiety during their dental treatment.
Many patients suffer from a fear of visiting the dentist. One of the easiest and safest ways to relax patients is through the use of nitrous oxide or “laughing gas.”

Please call us for more information or to book your appointment.

Geriatric Dentistry

The population aged 65 years and older has significantly increased (13%). This population has...


Dentures are custom-made replacements for missing teeth that can be taken out...


While the use of a local anesthetic to prevent pain is sufficient...

Teeth Cleaning

Treatment of the periodontal disease begins with the removal of tartar (gingival...


Do you grind your teeth or excessively clench your jaw? Bruxism is...

T.M.J. Pain Treatment

The T.M.J (Temporomandibular-joint) is the joint between the lower jaw...


Practicing good oral hygiene, brushing, flossing, and using mouth wash is essential...

Cosmetic Dentistry

Veneers are very thin shells that are attached to the front part...


Fillings help to restore a tooth damaged by cavities and restore it...

On Site Oral Surgery

If your tooth has been broken or damaged your dentist will try...

Oral Cancer Screening

Here at Ariu Dental Centre, we can perform oral cancer screening within...

Root Canals

The root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly...

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns cover damaged teeth to make them stronger, as well as to...

X-Ray Vision

At Ariu Dental Centre, we have all of the state-of-the-art equipment we...

Primary Exam

Primary teeth are just as important as permanent teeth, not only for...

Emergencies 24/7

Our extended evening and Saturday office hours allow us to be able...