Veneers are very thin shells that are attached to the front part of the teeth. They are often made of porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain veneers are stronger than composite resin veneers and do not change color or stain. Generally, porcelain veneers take at last 2 dental visits to apply, and composite resin veneers can be done in 1 visit. Porcelain veneer generally lasts longer than composite resin veneers.
Dental treatments like dental bonding and veneers are not used to fix cavities or broken teeth but can also be used to improve the look of healthy teeth. Veneers are applied to the entire front surface of the tooth. Bonding and veneers make your teeth look better by changing their color, shape, angle, or spacing. Your dentist can fix teeth that are broken, chipped, or cracked, that have spaces between them or that are discolored. Cosmetic dental treatment can improve your smile and give you more confidence.
Not everyone is a good candidate for veneers. Here are some reasons why your dentist may suggest treatments other than veneers:
Here at Ariu Dental Centre, our patients will always have the highest quality of these procedures. Through our extensive training, continuing education courses, and experience, we are qualified to perform these procedures with uttermost detail.
Please call us for more information or to book your appointment.